February 13, 2018
It can be very rewarding to go the extra mile after you’ve submitted your bid by doing follow ups with the General Contractors.
The Bid Follow Up:
The GCs project manager will begin working through all of the subs contracts and could have room to negotiate with you. Your chances are even higher to negotiate if you have a good relationship with the awarded GC.
Develop a relationship with the General Contractors! (*IMPORTANT*)
Either go to their office to talk face to face or call and discuss how your company can help solve their issues. Tell them about the strengths and experience of your crew.
Consider preparing a resume for your company, you could also utilize the AIA A305 form for a Contractors Qualifications Statement.
Don’t wait to find out which GC won the bid. Call all of them. Start with the one you know the best first and ask about the project, numbers that are high, low, and if they know who the project was awarded to.
Give congratulations to the awarded GC on winning the bid and begin to discuss when the GC will pick the sub of your trade. With your “sell price” in mind, ask the GC if you are in the running or considered for sub-award. Do not go below your sell price!
Remember, the lowest bidder is not always the real “winner.”
No matter the outcome of this project, do your best to get feedback from all the General Contractors.
- Where your number came in compared to others
- What is their confidence in your ability to complete the project
- About labor availability
- How you can improve your company
If you were thinking, wait a minute, what’s my sell price?
Call us at Enlightenment Companies. We’ll help you calculate your overhead & labor. We’re here when you need a partner that does MORE than estimating.
By: Liz Nahrstedt